Helpful Information

In an effort to keep parents educated and informed, the Piranhas have set up this webpage of helpful information. This resource is a great place to read articles, get nutritional information and answer some questions you may have about swimming, being a part of a Swim Team and being a “swim” parent. Most of the information linked to this page is from USA Swimming.

Parent’s Guide
This is a collection of articles that will help you understand what it is to be a swim parent, part of USA Swim Team and the relationship between swimmers, coaches and parents. Some of the same articles listed below are contained in this guide.

Top Fast Food Choices for Swimmers

What does being an Olympian mean?

The Awesome 8 yr old (why moving kids up too soon is not a good idea)

ABC’s of a Swim Parent

10 Commandments of Swimming

Nutrition 101

Are you a pressure parent?

Parents and the Club

Parents and the Coach

Parents and the Swimmer

Year Round Swimming

Senior level training

College Recruiting

Six No-No Phrases for the Swim Parent

Joe Torre on Winning

USA Swimming Website for Parents

Gigi Kearney Presentation – April 2011
Physical Therapist Gigi Kearney spoke about shoulder mechanics, stretching and injury prevention in the Community Room of the Darien YMCA. The presentation was insightful, educational and well received. She started the presentation with a brief look at the anatomy of the shoulder. She spoke about shoulder stability, the benefits of yoga and core training, proper and improper stretches and the difference between ligaments and muscles. She touched on the myths of overtraining, emphasized consistency with training and answered questions.